He's working on some computer issue, so I think he's frustrated. I can help him feel better by keeping his lap warm, don't you think?

Dad went to open the computer to check out why it wasn't behaving. When he turned around to sit back down, I was sitting in his chair :-)

You're a Cat! Helping is what you DO!
Totally helping. You can tell just by looking at you.
You are Super Helpful !
Word " Annoying " must for someone else !
You annoying? Never! Furr babies are supposed to be in Daddy's laps all the time.:) Right?!:)
Teddy Bear
Well, there's no way your dad could ever think *you* were annoying! Must have been someone or something else! :-P
-Nicki and Derry
I don't think he was talking about you being annoying, but the computer is annoying. You were just keeping his seat warm there, right?
It obviously wasn't you that's annoying him! You are being so helpful :)
You are waaay to Cute to be annoying! Your Daddy for sure was not talking about you like that!
I see a very cute, smart, helpful Kitty!
annoying? must be talking about some bean. Def. can be about you. Cats aren't annoying ever.
well. except hansel.
Keep hanging around like that and pretty soon you'll be a tech cat. :)
You could never be annoying. And neither could we. Right momma? Right? Ok come on..... hummm
Woofs from Casper, Buddy, Nikki, Cotton and foster dog Max
thanks for stopping by! WE were so happy to help out with YoYo! We hope you stop by our blog again :)
Remind you Dad that cuddling a purrrring kittie is calming, and when fighting crankie computers, CALM is GOOD.
Be careful claiming his chair, though. Sometimes our Dad jumps up for just a second, then sits back down without thinking check. He's sat on a couple of us over the years.
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