Edited: Phyllis, check out my comment.This is a note to Phyllis who asked about getting a cat even if though they are eskie people.... I don't have a contact email address to write you back at, so I'm posting here instead.
Hi Phyllis,
This is Prints' Mom. (aka Prince's Mom) Thank you for your comment. I am very sorry to hear about your eskie that passed away recently. Our eskie, Hana, passed away last November. As you've read, we adopted Prints about a week later. I was very skeptical, as I have never been a cat person before. But my husband had cats (and a dog) growing up and he really wanted to get a little furry creature for our home.
Getting a cat was a big change for me, in interesting ways.
- Instead of looking down, I had to learn to look up, like on the kitchen counter! Or on our dresser! But now I'm quite used to it and when I see Prints sitting curled up on the floor, I wonder... what is he doing way down there? He should be up on the table!
- Water. Cats like running water and will drink from the faucet! It's quite cute when Prints comes running to drink water.
- Litter box. This is quite interesting. Prints knew exactly what to do in his litter box! Hooray! Cats don't need any training on this matter, at least Prints didn't.
- Independent. We've been quite busy the past year. It's actually been great that Prints is independent like most cats are. But, he is also very loving and enjoys attention. He likes to sleep on my husband! But, as for when we go out, it's nice not to have to worry about leaving a cat at home. With a dog, they always want to go on a car ride with you and I always would feel horrible about leaving Hana at home. She loved going out with us and I hated to disappoint her when we couldn't take her with us.
- I am a cat person now (and a dog person still). When I see the pics and read stories on the cat blogs, I think... ohhhh, what a cute cat. If you had told me 8 months ago that I'd be Ooooing and Ahhhhing over cats, I would have told you you were crazy. But, well, I really like cats now.
- Some people may not know this, but now they will. I even tried to adopt a 2nd cat! It unfortunately didn't work out between the two cats, so we had to find a new home for the 2nd cat. But, wow, it really turned out that I love cats!
- Yes, I do long for another eskie. And we will get another eskie when the time is right. At this time, we are just too busy in our lives to take in a puppy, do the training, etc. But, we are in touch with a lot of eskie people (The Eskie Board -
http://forum.eskie.net - please visit us there and introduce yourself!) and am fortunate I can visit with friend's eskies throughout the year. We still think about Hana all the time. Tonight, we decided to take a walk down the street to see the airplanes in the sky. This is the VERY FIRST TIME we have done this without Hana. We used to do this walk with her, to the end of the street to see the airplanes, then we'd all turn around and walk back home. It's been 7 months since we did this, since she passed away. It didn't feel right without her :-(
I think it is a good idea for you to get a cat if you want the familiar pitter patter of little critter paws in the house. Kitties are less work, and that works for us at this time. I love our little Mr. Prince Peepers. He is a great cat! We are lucky to have found him!
Phyllis, I have one question for you.... how come your husband is thinking of getting a cat rather than a dog (eskie)?
~ Prints' Mom