I discovered a SERIOUSLY large kitty grass buffet.

I met a very SERIOUS wabbit on my walk. He didn't blink an eye.

This room has a multitude of different scents. It's SERIOUSLY overwhelming!

This is an enormous room with no walls or ceilings. I could be a SERIOUS explorer if given the chance.

I spotted a tall tree that I was interested in exploring further. But then Mom said "Prints, we SERIOUSLY need to go back inside NOW!"

Sure you had a pawesome time outside!
Was the kitty grass buffet tasty??
Kisses and hugs
It looks like you had a great time exploring outside and soaking up some sunbeams!...You seem to be doing well with the leash=good for you since it's an excellent way to see the sights safely!!...Have a great day!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Prints, it looks like you're loving the outdoors. Look at that forest behind you. It looks great for exploring.
Teddy Bear
You are one lucky kitty Prints ~ all that wonderful grass and smells to sniffy sniff! Banjo is still waiting for the snow to go away so he can put his harness on (it looks just like yours!) and get outside for a little grass chewing and sniffing too!
Hopefully you will get to go back outside again soon!
It sure look like you had a good time out there...we don't get to go out at all so have a whiff for me please!
Wow! You look like you had the best time! We can't wait until it gets nice enough for us to go exploring on our leashes!
You look like you had a seriously cool time!
Whoa looks you had a seriously great time and you would probably love to seriously do it again sometime because I would love to seriously read about it!
What a fun time you had outside....and leave it to our humans to spoil things sometimes. :)
Prints, SERIOUSLY, can you be any cuter??? You are so changing my attitude of C A T S! You are very cool! I love how you got to explore the really big grass buffet. Did you try biting the ear of the wabbit?? He He!
Georgous "Prints"... we made a picture for you, but didn't see an email address here, so weren't able to send it to you.
We do plan to feature "Prints" on our Friends Friday post (3/5), hope you can stop by, and hope you do not mind our using his pictures... you can email us:
zoolatry at gmail dot com
Your friends, the Zoolatry Girls,
Maggy and Zoey (and Ann)
Prints, you have become so brave and adventureous outside! I am proud of you.
Nice to meet you, Prince! We saw you mentioned on Zoolatry's blog post for Friday Friends. We're the Fuzzy Tales crew!
Prince, our human is very happy to see you on a leash--she's having a LOT of problems trying to make her tiny back space Nicki-proof! He keeps escaping and she keeps getting grey hair. MOL.
Nice place to explore! All the nice scents and textures. You look very lovely out there.
The Zoolatry girls featured you today, Prince, so we came by to say hello! That grass looks really nommy!! Our grass is still kinda brown and has that white stuff on it...
Hi, I have some questions about Prince. Could you please email me at jodee.ong at hotmail.com? Thank you.
Prints, you are a seriously Cute Kitty and you have seriously Awesome Parents! :-)
Seriously, Prints, you are SO brave! I bet you had a great time out there. Do you think SomeOtherCat smelled your scent out there and came to visit you in the night? My mom just got your mom's email and will write back shortly. Wow, what excitement at your house!
--Pee Ess: Does your mom watch Grey's Anatomy? Seriously.....
Hi Prints - you are such a cutie!!
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