Monday, June 7, 2010

The Thrill of Victory!

There I was, at my patio window, when SHAZAAM! We caught Victor the Rat! I was so excited, I threw up! All these months of being patient finally paid off! But uh oh, not only did Mom clean up the heavy rat, she had to also clean up my carpet!

Despite our victory this afternoon (ewwww... turns out they come out during the DAYTIME!), the smaller mouse traps that we set last night seemed to have WALKED AWAY while the two rat traps were set off but empty.

Hmmmm, seems my house has an outdoor rodent issue, likely because the area in the canyon the rodents live in was being worked on recently. I wonder why my parents won't let me outside on my own to investigate?

Pee. S. Mom only took this photo of Victor because she figured she might need it in the future for identification purposes... in case we need to call in an exterminator.


Kea said...

Oh, yuck. There goes Victor the Rat. We dunno if our human would have been able to clean up dead rat. Okay, she'd have had to, but SHE might have thrown up. LOL.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Alas poor Victor, we never got to chew him well!

Your mum is right to keep you indoors Prints. rats can give you a very nasty bite and carry some not very nice diseases.

Catherine said...

Blahhhh.... we had a rat problem in our city last year. Not nice! Thankfully, the little beasts were put under control and we are back to normal this year.

Glad you caught him ~ they bring so many germs! Blah!

Katnip Lounge said...

Rats! We had rats at our old house by the river. Angel Cat Spooky brought them to Mommy quite often. Those rats were brown. This looks like it might be a pesky pack rat.

Prints, WTG on the barf! Was it on light colored carpet? Cuz you get extra points if you leave a stain...

Brian's Home Blog said...


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Mom says you need an exfurminator. She says she would not sleep at night if she saw these guys in our house!

Jacqueline said...

We've never had to deal with a rat problem, but it looks like you guys are dealing with the issue=yuck!!...Glad you didn't use rat poison since you never know who might eat it...Happy week friend...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

White Dog Blog said...

Yuck indeed! Mom agrees that an expert needs to be called. When the field next to her house in the midwest was developed she had an awful problem with field mice and that was the quickest solution before they found their way inside! Prints, you don't want to be a mouser...your are a lover!