Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Top Dog

You're gonna LOVE this! This is the Snausages Man Pulls Sled Race which took place today in Alaska! A reversal of roles, as Life with Dogs say. Hmmm, what is that saying? "A picture is worth a thousand words."

On your mark, get set, GO!!!

Do you see who's in charge? Look closely.

Who's the boss now??!!!

They are all winners!

~ Photos by Al Grillo ~
~ Permission from Danielle Paleafico for me to post the pics ~

Here's an entertaining article about the race. http://www.adn.com/2010/03/02/1164386/dogs-become-drivers-in-publicity.html

Hee hee, Dogs Rule (and Cats, too)!!


One Cats Nip said...

this is so super sweet....finally the dogs got the hang of it.....beans are your staff.

Jacqueline said...

We agree with One Cats Nip=it's about time dogs understood their place and got the humans to cater to them!!!MOL!!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

ButterBean said...

ha ha thats great!

Lorenza said...

That is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

Coffee Talk with Shar said...

Yay!!! That is perfect - man pulls dog! Love it, and yep, Dogs Rule (and since I consider you a dog-cat, you rule too!) Thanks for the great laugh!


Teddy Bear said...

That looks like SO much fun! I wish I could talk my pawrents into racing!:)

Teddy Bear

Brian's Home Blog said...

You're right, loved it!!! n About time!

Marty said...

It looks like it was a lot of fun. There's a video clip on my site that really captures the fun spirit of the race. Hope you stop by to check it out.

White Dog Blog said...

As it should be! Of course, I made dad buy ME an electric car (with comfy seats).

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

hee hee, this is so funny!